The City of Jamestown,NY was originally named “The Rapids,” because it was settled along the rapids of the Chadakoin River. The river supplied waterpower for early industries such as sawmills, grist mills, and woolen mills. The Chadakoin originates at the Chautauqua Lake Outlet where it flows into Jamestown at McCrea Point. Like many communities that built around a source of waterpower, the City of Jamestown eventually “turned its back” on its river when it was no longer necessary for providing energy to turn machinery. Its waters became polluted, its banks littered with trash. Today, much of the Chadakoin River remains hidden between and even beneath buildings along Jamestown’s old industrial corridor.

However, sections of the waterway are being revitalized as citizens recognize the river’s benefits, and local researchers are discovering that the river is thriving with a diversity of unique species including the Spiny Softshell Turtle (featured in our logo). The Chadakoin winds through the city and through the neighboring Village of Falconer, joining the meandering flow of Cassadaga Creek in an area known as Levant. A short distance downstream, the Cassadaga Creek joins the Conewango Creek, which, in turn, joins the Allegheny River in Warren, Pennsylvania.